Workflow of ParNMPC
- Choose a compiler that supports parallel code generation by
mex -setup
. - Edit
to specify the timer function that measures the current time for your own platform.
NMPC Problem Formulation
Formulate an OCP using Class
% Create an OptimalControlProblem object OCP = OptimalControlProblem(muDim,... % constraints dim uDim,... % inputs dim xDim,... % states dim pDim,... % parameters dim (position reference) T,... % prediction horizon N); % num of discritization grids % Give names to x, u, p (optional) [~] = OCP.setStateName(~); [~] = OCP.setInputName(~); [~] = OCP.setParameterName(~); % Reset the prediction horizon T % (optional for variable horizon or nonuniform discretization) OCP.setT(~); % Set the dynamic function f OCP.setf(~); % Set the matrix M (optional for, e.g., Lagrange model) OCP.setM(~); % Set the equality constraint function C (optional) OCP.setC(~); % Set the cost function L OCP.setL(~); % Generate necessary files OCP.codeGen();
Configrate the solver using Class
% Create a NMPCSolver object nmpcSolver = NMPCSolver(OCP); % Configurate the Hessian approximation method nmpcSolver.setHessianApproximation(~); % Generate necessary files nmpcSolver.codeGen();
Solve the very first OCP for a given initial state and given parameters using Class
% Set the initial state x0 = [~]; % Set the parameters par = [~]; % Create an OCPSolver object ocpSolver = OCPSolver(OCP,nmpcSolver,x0,par); % Choose one of the following methods to provide an initial guess: % 1. init guess by input lambdaInitGuess = [~]; muInitGuess = [~]; uInitGuess = [~]; xInitGuess = [~]; % 2. init guess by interpolation [lambdaInitGuess,muInitGuess,uInitGuess,xInitGuess] = ... ocpSolver.initFromStartEnd(~); % 3. init guess from file [lambdaInitGuess,muInitGuess,uInitGuess,xInitGuess] = ... ocpSolver.initFromMatFile(~); % Solve the OCP [lambda,mu,u,x] = ocpSolver.OCPSolve(lambdaInitGuess,... muInitGuess,... uInitGuess,... xInitGuess,... method); % Get the dependent variable LAMBDA LAMBDA = ocpSolver.getLAMBDA(x0,lambda,mu,u,x,par); % Check the cost % (optional) cost = ocpSolver.getCost(u,x,par); % Save to file for further use save GEN_initData.mat ... x0 lambda mu u x par LAMBDA ~
Define the controlled plant using Class
(optional for simulation)% Create a DynamicSystem object plant = DynamicSystem(uDim,xDim,pDim); % Give names to x, u, p (optional) [~] = plant.setStateName(~); [~] = plant.setInputName(~); [~] = plant.setParameterName(~); % Set the dynamic function f plant.setf(~); % Set the matrix M (optional for, e.g., Lagrange model) plant.setM(~); % Generate necessary files plant.codeGen();
Code Generation and Deployment
Assume that you have written a MATLAB function to carry out the closed-loop simulation for your problem defined above using the functions provided by ParNMPC, that is, NMPC_Iter
is used to calculate the optimal control input, and SIM_Plant_RK4
is used to simulate the controlled plant.
Code generation
Assume that you have run NMPC_Problem_Formulation.m
Next, the code generation process using the MATLAB Coder App for this simulation is shown.
Open the MATLAB Coder App.
. -
Click the Generate button, and the C code will be automatically generated to
When doing the closed-loop simulation in Simulink, you can call the generated C/C++ solver function NMPC_Iter
directly to compute the optimal input.
Code generation
Define the degree of parallelism:
DoP = ~; % degree of parallism: 1 = in serial, otherwise in parallel
Split \{\lambda_i\}_{i=1}^{N}, \{\mu_i\}_{i=1}^{N}, \{u_i\}_{i=1}^{N}, \{x_i\}_{i=1}^{N}, \{p_i\}_{i=1}^{N}, and \{\Lambda_i\}_{i=1}^{N} along the prediction horizon into
pieces:sizeSeg = N/DoP; lambdaSplit = reshape(lambda, lambdaDim, sizeSeg,DoP); muSplit = reshape(mu, muDim, sizeSeg,DoP); uSplit = reshape(u, uDim, sizeSeg,DoP); xSplit = reshape(x, xDim, sizeSeg,DoP); pSplit = reshape(par, pDim, sizeSeg,DoP); LAMBDASplit = reshape(LAMBDA, xDim, xDim, sizeSeg,DoP);
Generate DLL and copy it to the working directory:
args_NMPC_Iter = {x0,... lambdaSplit,... muSplit,... uSplit,... xSplit,... pSplit,... LAMBDASplit,... coder.Constant(discretizationMethod),... coder.Constant(isMEnabled)}; NMPC_Iter_CodeGen('dll','C',args_NMPC_Iter); copyfile('.\codegen\dll\NMPC_Iter\NMPC_Iter.dll');
This example shows how to call the generated C interface in Simulink using the coder.cevel
function within a MATLAB Function
You can also call the C/C++ interface utilizing S-function.
Open the Simulation Target pane in the Simulink Editor: Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters > Simulation Target.
#include "NMPC_Iter.h"
to Insert custom C code in generated: Header file. -
Add the following directories to Additional Build Information: Include directories:
.\codegen\dll\NMPC_Iter .\codegen\lib\OCP_F_Fu_Fx
to Additional Build Information: Libraries. -
Call the generated C function in a
MATLAB Function
block in Simulink:coder.ceval('NMPC_Iter',... x0,... coder.ref(lambdaSplit),... coder.ref(muSplit),... (optional) coder.ref(uSplit),... coder.ref(xSplit),... coder.ref(pSplit),... (optional) coder.ref(LAMBDASplit),... coder.wref(cost),... coder.wref(error),... coder.wref(timeElapsed));
File Dependency
Advanced Functions
From the file dependency, you can even edit directly, e.g.,
, to specify your own dynamic function F(u,x,p), and its Jacobians \partial F/\partial u and \partial F/\partial x rather than using the auto-generatedOCP_GEN_~.m
. -
Currently, only the 4-th order Runge-Kutta method is provided to simulate the controlled plant. You can also program your own method by calling